a blog about billiards, food, and life written by a small Asian girl with a gigantic potato chip on her fragile shoulder
love it or hate it, there is no in between
if you love the blog, send it to your friends, if you hate the blog, send it to your enemies
RIP 2017 <3
“A psycho bitch.”
“…very creative but has problems with authority.”
—second grade teacher
“Completely disregards your existence if you attempt to call a time out.”
—various APA teammates and captains
—would-be mugger
“Scares the s— out of me on a regular basis.”
—various ex-boyfriends
Won’t tolerate condescension, idiocy, or overcooked steaks.
—longtime friend
Messy… non cool.
—another chick that plays pool
A terrible person.
—yet another chick that plays pool